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I have been an animal lover since I can remember…my first memories are when I was about 18 months and I would crawl outside to play with Cindy & Flop, my 2 Cocker Spaniels, in the dog house in our backyard.   As a teenager, I was an avid reader of books and encyclopedias discussing dogs and horses, anything with that had animals in the story....

I have been an animal lover since I can remember…my first memories are when I was about 18 months and I would crawl outside to play with Cindy & Flop, my 2 Cocker Spaniels, in the dog house in our backyard.   As a teenager, I was an avid reader of books and encyclopedias discussing dogs and horses, anything with that had animals in the story.  I have been blessed with 13 dogs, 1 bunny, 2 house cats, numerous strays, & a baby squirrel, most recently!!  

Animals are in my soul. 

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